Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: Articles :: 2024 Volume 20

IJRR Articles: 2024 Volume 20

Article 4:
A Corpus-Based Comparison of Keywords and Themes from The Book of Mormon and the Bible
Author: Brett Hashimoto and Joshua Cowley (Brigham Young University)

Article 3:
Book Talk: Stuck: Why Clergy Are Alienated From Their Calling, Congregation, and Career...and What To Do About It
Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Mark Killian (Whitworth University, Sociology Department) Author's Reply: Todd W. Ferguson and Josh Packard (2022, Fortress Press)

Article 2:
A Quantitative Integrative Review of Personal Jurisdiction in Romans 1 Legal Exegesis and Its Implications on Christian Gentile Homonegative Doctrines
Author: Jonathan Brackens (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth)

Article 1:
Book Talk: In This Place Called Prison: Women’s Religious Life in the Shadow of Punishment
Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Cesraéa Rumpf (University of Illinois Chicago) Author's Reply: Rachel Ellis (2023, University of California Press)

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