Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2024 Volume 20 :: Article 2
2024 Volume 20, Article 2
A Quantitative Integrative Review of Personal Jurisdiction in Romans 1 Legal Exegesis and Its Implications on Christian Gentile Homonegative Doctrines

Author: Jonathan Brackens (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth)

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Seeking to understand how Mosaic Law became a barrier for Christian homosexuals, we completed a quantitative integrative review of N=110 scholastic sources; the results show that the barrier likely arose because 97.3 percent of homonegative exegesis is silent regarding Moses' and NT personal jurisdiction (PJ) statements; that silence results in an overinclusive argument that likely incorrectly implicates Gentile Christian homosexuality. More specifically, homonegative exegesis does four things: (1) 97 percent of exegetes omit citations and discussion of Moses' PJ that limit Moses' Gentile reach to "resident aliens" within Israel (e.g., Leviticus 18:2, 26, 20:2), (2) 92 percent of exegetes do not discuss Acts 10; 15:5-29, and 21:25, which reiterate Moses' PJ that exclude Gentiles from homosexual proscriptions, (3), 88.18 percent of scholars employ a different interpretive method to determine whom Romans 1 addresses than employed for the remainder of their analysis, and (4) 88.7 percent of exegetes engage ipse dixit when stating that the Romans 1 audience is Gentile when structural analysis and contextual evidence reflects that Paul addressed a Jewish audience concerning Jewish beliefs. Consequently, this research expatiates relevant PJ from Moses, NT, Didascalia, Halakha, Roman Law, and reflections of American Law, and adds the same to Romans 1 exegesis. The results—though unexpected—support the thesis that when added, Romans 1 forms no scriptural basis for Gentile Christian homonegative doctrine. We discuss the significance of the results.

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