Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion
IJRR :: 2013 Volume 9 :: Article 2
2013 Volume 9, Article 2
The Influence of the Quasi-Monopolistic Religious Market on Religiosity in Poland: Considerations Based on an Economic Approach

Author: Łukasz Kutyło (University of Łódź)

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Religious market theory is an approach to studying religiosity that is based in economic theory. It was established by American economists and sociologists, who were inspired by the theory of rational choice. In Poland. in contrast to the United States, the religious market is not fully competitive and pluralistic; the Catholic Church occupies a dominant position. In this article, I investigate whether a decline in participation in religious practice and involvement in Church activities among Poles is more likely to be attributable to secularization or to the quasi-monopolistic nature of the religious market in Poland.

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